
class AnimationUtils(context: Context)


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constructor(context: Context)


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val DURATION_LONG: Long = 600
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val DURATION_SHORT: Long = 300


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fun applyAnimation(view: View, @AnimRes resId: Int)
fun applyAnimation(view: View, animation: Animations, duration: Long = DURATION_SHORT, startDelay: Long = 0, vararg params: Float, action: () -> Unit = {})
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fun scale(view: View, duration: Long, startDelay: Long, fromX: Float = 1.0f, toX: Float = 1.0f, fromY: Float = 1.0f, toY: Float = 1.0f, pivotX: Float = 0.5f, pivotY: Float = 0.5f, interpolator: Interpolator? = null, action: () -> Unit)
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fun translate(view: View, duration: Long, startDelay: Long, fromX: Float = 0.0f, toX: Float = 0.0f, fromY: Float = 0.0f, toY: Float = 0.0f, action: () -> Unit)