Package-level declarations


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typealias action<T> = suspend () -> T
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typealias coroutineErrorListener = (throwable: Throwable) -> Unit
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open class CoroutinesUtils

This class is completely for Kotlin. For Java, please see

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class CustomCoroutineScope(context: CoroutineContext, errorHandler: coroutineErrorListener? = null) : CoroutineScope, Closeable
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This class is completely for Java.
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class UncaughtCoroutineExceptionHandler(errorHandler: coroutineErrorListener? = null) : AbstractCoroutineContextElement, CoroutineExceptionHandler


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fun <T> asyncInBackground(block: action<T>): Deferred<Any?>
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fun <T> asyncOnUI(block: action<T>): Deferred<Any?>
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fun <T> runInBackground(block: action<T>): Job
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fun <T> runOnUI(block: action<T>): Job
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suspend fun <T> withBackground(block: action<T>): T
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suspend fun <T> withDefault(block: action<T>): T
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suspend fun <T> withUI(block: action<T>): T
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suspend fun <T> withUnconfined(block: action<T>): T